Thursday, May 25, 2017

All my friends

Hello my friends! You are my family! This week was good. A lot of people we talk to and contact are usually are people we are helping service wise in some way. For example this one lady, we have helped her with her garden and she is in transition between homes so we helped her with her heavy stuff. 

Our awesome investigator Billy is doing great! We have been helping him with his self-reliance. He wants to get on his feet and get his own place because right now he lives with his mom. So, we are helping him do that meanwhile he has been reading the book of mormon a lot and he likes learning.

Other than Billy we have been doing a lot of finding and share a couple of experiences we have some good potentials we have met. This one lady we met while were coming over to meet with a less active. We had planned coming by to help out a lady that is less active when before we could get to the door her neighbor flagged us down and came and talked to her. She warned us about some interesting things she thought our less active friend was doing then,  we got to talking about her and she said she use to work for Deseret Industries in Salt Lake so, she knew a lot of members of our church. She said we need to come over on wednesday so, we agreed, of course! :)

We also were talking to our bishop about the chapel tours we were going to do and also a couple of people he asked us to go see and he said that some of the missionaries have been meeting with his friend. The only weird part is that we checked with all the missionaries in payson and none of them have heard of this guy. But, anyway we are going to go over and meet with this guy and see what we could help him with. So, it's all good fun!

I don't have much else to say, I am still alive so that is good!

Love you all my friends!

Elder Hamson

Brigham just got set apart again and he is assigned to Miami Florida. I'm gonna miss that guy! See picture of us in his back yard.


This week was pretty good! We went off to Young in the beginning of the week and did a bunch if service. It was super rainy day so, it was kinda nuts! We brought Brigham Flake with us, if you were at house in Utah yesterday Brigham was the guys room I was Skyping in. It was a Good day, we helped a lady with her trees and dug trenches and stuff. We helped this lady named Cindy with her work shop we re-arranged shelves, moved a freezer, and helped sweep and clean it all up. She was a really nice lady and she gave us some cutting boards to give to our moms. The other thing we did that day was that we helped the Dixsons with the drywall in the new house they are building. 

My companion was sick on and off this week. He has had really bad allergies and went to the doctors and got a shot that takes away his allergy symptoms. Which is good but, now he is really sustainable to sickness. 

We did get out one day where we were tracting. We were tracting for service opportunities in the neighborhood. We stopped by this one house where this family was outside on there way to their car and we talked to them. The mom was nice and we offered to help but, they were on there way to a softball game. They said we could come back later. She was cool because she didn't know much about missionaries and she had a bunch of good questions.

Whelp until next time!
Love ya!

Elder Hamson

Snake Skin

I am going have to be quick today because, I got a call from President and we have to go transfer an Elder down to Scottsdale. 

Not much happened this week my companion has been really sick. We managed to get out to mow this lady's lawn. That was fun. I live the smell of grass. And rain. Today it rained! Anyway! 

The fun story of the week was when we were in Young. That good old cowboy town. I love that place! We had some apple cider with a member an set up an activity for next week. Anyway, on our way out we found a bull snake. So we ran back into tell brother Varker about it. That was his name. Within seconds he came out with a revolver and shot the snake in the head. It was sweet! We skinned it and my companion is going to turn it into a knife sheath. So there is that. 

The cool thing that happened this week investigators wise was at a ward fundraiser. The scouts of the Ponderosa ward had a silent auction. It was super cool. There were a good amount of people to talk to. We met this family that moved here from Arkansas. They didn't know who missionaries are and they don't know much about God. They are way nice and cool with us coming by. I think is was a blessing that we met them. If only they knew what kind of life is available through the Gospel. 

Love you all! Stay sweet!

Elder Hamson

Monday, May 1, 2017

Red Neck

This has been a long week. It was good though. I feel like I am always starting like this. Haha...

Okay so first off I got sun burnt because we were outside all week helping at events and miscellaneous service projects. I don't know why that is first off but, I will roll with it. I went on exchanges with one of our Zone Leaders, which means that he came into our area and there were three of us. It was good. We had our District Meeting that day, FINALLY! I have been the district leader here in payson for four weeks and that was our first District meeting of the Transfer. I don't know if this makes any sense but, we only have one meeting a week. So, we had Zone Conference the second week, ZTM the third week, and District Meeting this last week. Man, I'll stop talking about meetings. 

Elder Bebee was the Zone Leader's name and we had a pretty fun day with him. We had a lesson with Chuck. His is a cool guy! He is looking for a religion to join because he just recently wanted to get to know God because his girlfriend died. He is really sincere and honest about everything it is awesome. He has been going to this other church on Sundays and he always comes back with some kind of controversial question about mormons. It is a little annoying but, he is willing so study it out so, he will be fine. He said he is finishing Genesis soon and then he said we could read the book of mormon with him. Brilliant! I love him. Sad news is that we found out that day that our investigator Don moved away.

The next day I went on an exchange with the other Elders in our district. I went with Elder Hale and my companion, Elder Boyce, went with Elder Hale's companion. Also, something cool about this day, Wednesday, was that we brought Brigham with us. Brigham is a guy from our ward that is temporarily home from his mission in Guadamala because of injury. He asked us if he could come out with us so, he spent the whole day with us. That's what you get I guess. It was awesome though. We stopped by this one less active lady and she remembers cleaning Brigham's teeth as a kid. It was a good break the ice conversation and she invited us back to meet her family. That was an excellent day. We had another lesson with Billy. We taught him about the Gospel of Jesus Christ the day before with Elder bebee and now here we were teaching him again about prayer and he prayed that night. He was like "Dear Heavenly Father, It's good to see you again..."  Haha, it was awesome! It was so powerful, you could tell it ment so much to him.

Thursday was kind of a weird day. Most of the day we were helping out at this farm for community service. There were a bunch activities for the kids and we helped run the little mini games. It was all good fun but, I did get sun burnt. So sad... Friday was a long day. We had to set up a bunch of tables for this meeting our mission president had. We had to go do a ton of other errands to get luch and things. All well do our big planning session for the week. That was a long day but, worth it because we are ready to takle another week. Haha

Saturday was interesting we went to a shooting competition and I got 12th overall. So, not that bad for only having shot a hand gun like once or twice in my life. There were like thirty or fourty shooters there. You get what you get I guess.

Haha Just Kidding! We just helped out at the shooting competition. It was a scout fundraiser and they didn't have enough scouts so, we helped with the food and handed out water and stuff for the shooters. It was fun! The majority of the people were non members. It was a great opportunity but, I was a little jealous of the shooters. It looked way fun!

Well until next time. You just have to deal with this splotchy email. Yesterday we had church in Young. It was a packed house because a ward visited from Heber and they brought their 60 something youth down. Man, I didn't know there could be that many youth in a ward. It was a blast for Young, they are used to having 20 people at church, and they are all over 65. No joke!

Elder Hamson


This was a long week. But, we did a lot and got a lot done. A little sad but, this week we had Zone Training Meeting. It was the last Zone Training Meeting ever. We have Zone conferences every transfer now which means that they now are cutting out ZTM. I don't know if that makes any sense but, basically instead of just meeting as a zone every 6 weeks now we meet as a zone with the mission president every 6 weeks.

One of the coolest experiences this week was this last sunday. We had an investigator come to church named Billy. We talked about the self-reliance program going on and he got super excited. After the meeting we talked about what he liked. He said God has been answering his prayers because the self-reliance program was what he needed. So, that night we went to the devotional that night and got him in a group.

Also, we went bowling for P-day and I still got it! Haha just kidding.

Elder Hamson 

Easter Love

This week started off great! We had Zone Conference with our mission president. It was a really good Conference. It was focused on Sacrifice and the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Our president wants us to email him what we are sacrificing so that we can be more effective instruments in God's hands. 
Another cool thing that happened this week was that we went down to the valley for an Easter Pagent. We had a couple investigator families that were going to come but, one of them canceled last minute and the other didn't answer their phone. So, we were there just with a member from the ward. We later found out that Adrian, that's his name, he lost his phone and didn't end up coming because he was afraid e couldn't find us in the crowd without phone communication. It was a bummer but, whatever it was a pretty cool performance. 
We have done a bit more service for jenanda. She is a nice old lady that got kicked out of her house so, now she is renting from a friend. It has been good helping her out. 
I think the biggest highlight of my week was yesterday. EASTER!!
Easter was pretty good! We had a good meeting at church. A speaker helped rekindle my feelings and thoughts toward my savior. Mostly Easter reminded me of how I felt a year ago on Easter. That was an emotional time for me beginning a two year mission. So, being here a year later, I am so grateful for the grace of God. The enabling power that Christ has mercifully giving me. I have changed so much. 
I am so grateful for who I am and who love me! THAT'S YOU!!
Love you!

Elder Hamson

Oh yeah, also this guy was 7' 4" and he was in payson to ride dirt bikes. So, there is hope for me and my future as a motocross champion.

Fry Breads!!

This week was transfers week and I didn't get transferred. I am still in Payson and get to be a cowboy! Haha, I'm just kidding. I would be a terrible cowboy. I don't even have boots. So, anyway on Monday somehow someone filed our key or it got worn down. We couldn't get into our car! We had to ditch it at the church and go home with the other Elders. That just made Tuesday that much harde because, it was transfer day and we were planning on drive down to Young. It was annoying but, we got a lot of cleaning done at home and after a bit we were able to fix the problem. We drove down to Young and spent the night.

The next day we helped Sister Dixon with planting some trees and Brother Dixon carry some heavy beams around. They are building a house and it has been cool to watch their progress. That day we also taught a lady that has studied religion her whole life ans has found where she is comfortable in life. Which is cool. She is happy and is living a lot of the principles of the gospel. It is hard to see someone so close tell us they don't want to learn anymore. But, the coolest part is that we went over to JP's house and had FRY BREAD AND BEANS!!! It is super cool he is from Whiteriver and he brought a friend that lives there. It was super cool catching up with how everyone is doing in whiteriver. Because, if you live in Whiteriver, you know everyone in Whiteriver. Ugh, i miss that place. Also that food wrecked me! Okay, moving on!

Thursday was a busy work day and we won't talk about that day. But, we did get everything down. And because of it our lives our a lot easier.

So, Friday a member invited us to help out and set up a business showcase at the casino. It wasn't in the casino so, it wasn't weird. It was way cool they had a zipline and this HUGE slide that was four stories high. It took like all day though and it hurt my back and we got sunburnt. Haha, good times. 

Saturday we sat down and planned for next week. Nuff said.

Also, if you didn't know Sunday was my birthday. I made myself a cake and it was delicious. Also, my family loves me so don't worry. I had a FANTASTIC birthday! 

Love you all take care!


Love, Cast Out Fear!

What a crazy week. I don't know where to start and what to say but, here we go! 

So, Tuesday we did a service for one of our investigators and helped her out with her garden. It was all good fun, we moved around heavy things, we dug up nasty trees, rotatilled it up and boom, it is a garden!

Wednesday we headed down to young and were doing MORE service work for this old german guy. He is super sweet and there was a lot we could help him with. The interesting thing is that he promised his mom that he would be baptized into the LDS church. But, he was a super funny and it was a good time. We also went out with a member of the branch that is a branch missionary. We went and visited six non-members with him. It was great, and it booked us up for this week when we go visit Young again because, we got so many return appointments. Dinner was good too. I like beans so I thought hot dogs and beans is super good but, I am sure you all have your own opinion. Haha

Thursday, we had a temple trip. THIS WEEK WAS SO CRAZY! I feel like it has been forever since I have been in the temple but, it has only been three months. Man, I miss the days when I would be in the temple every week. The temple is great my friend. Be worthy and go!
That night we had a good visit with a new investigator and he said he would come and watch General Conference, and he totally showed up! What a miracle! 

Friday, we had interviews with President. It was good to ask some questions that I have had and to see President again. I used to see him all the time when I was in the valley I saw him all the time so it was lit to see him again. We also stopped by our investigator family, the Christensens! They are new investigators too. We invited them to conference too and they got super excited to come and they actually came! The only problem is that all the members watch it at home. So, there was no one at the church. It was totally awkward but, the investigators that came were pretty chill about it. 

As for General Conference. It was lit! There is too much to say but, if I were to share my brief feeling on the conference I would say:

Charity never faileth for perfect love casteth out all fear.

That applies to ever portion of our lives, every trial, every challenge, and every person.

Love you all! I wish I could be more detailed but, this stresses me out. Sorry..

Elder Hamson

Unda da Sea

Hi! Hello!

This week was actually pretty legit, like too legit! Not like way legit but, pretty legit. So, it was kind of a slow start to a week but that's okay because the weekend was crazy!

Anyway, the Sisters in our district signed us up to sing at a senior home so, we had to go. It was alright, I'm sure they enjoy it but, it was kinda weird. I don't know how to explain it but, that was a weird day.

We had another district meeting. It is weird going to those and not being a district leader but, it was a very good meeting. We talked about the character of Christ and the attributes we should gain in this life. It was funny because he tried to use an analogy from Nemo with the East Australian Current. Kinda like if there were three different kinds of missionaries. Bottom feeders, top swimmers, and EAC flowers. The bottom feeders just sit at the bottom, they don't really want to be in the ocean. The EAC Flowers just go with the flow. They find some where comfortable where they don't have to put in too much effort but still do the most they can with as little effort as they can. Then the top swimmers are just as they sound, they have control of what direction they are going and are the over achievers. Anyway!

We had a lesson with this guy named Dylan this week. He has already read the first couple chapters of the book of Mormon and asks us to send him chapters on the daily. He is super solid. He is one of those people that ask you if they can be baptized. I am excited for him. He is such a good guy and just sick of the negativity around him. 

On Saturday we drove down to Young. We helped this guy move some turds around for his garden. It was fun it reminded me of working in our garden back home. But, I did smell like poop for the rest of the day. We also set up lessons with two of our investigators. It was lots of fun and actually that is pretty successful for young. 

Well that's all the excitement I wanted to share with you today! Goodnight!

Elder Hamson