Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Let's Stay Positive

Okay! Hello!

Alright this week was pretty good! We went to the temple on Saturday
because Kenneth was going through for the first time. Which is huge
progress from where he has been. Whelp, that's it, thank you for
tuning in!

😅 Haha just kidding! This week was interesting and we barely had any
lessons.... But! Let's stay positive! My companion is great! My
District is great! The people are great, and the area is great! So,
there really is so many things to be grateful for! We really did talk
to a bunch of people though. A lot of new and interesting people! I
like it! It was just hard to have a formal lesson with people and all
the people that said they would be home, weren't. This one guys
though, he is a pastor over his local church. He is super old and we
gave him a Book of Mormon. He said "Oh, thank you!" and we tried to
explain to him that it is was comparable to The Bible but, a different
record. I don't think he understood because he continued to show us
his collection of bibles. So, I guess we added to his strange
collection of scripture. Then, this one guy. I don't think he spoke
any english because he just talked to us in his native language and
after a while we just had to say goodbye. It was super awkward but,
that is how it goes!
Next week will be cooler, I promise!
I Love you, my family!

Elder Hamson

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