Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Pinetop Zone


Okay, well this week was pretty epic! We started off with a birthday
party for one of the investigators that is getting baptized and we
tried to give a blessing to this lady later. But, she decided she was
Tuesday was Zone Training Meeting. We had some good trainings. They
were all about working with members and the wards and branches we are
in. It is also interesting to know that I am now apart of the very
first Pinetop Zone. We used to be the Apache Zone (much cooler) but,
our boundaries just changed and now our name changed. There were also
a bunch of other changes that were made too but, that's boring.
We picked up five new investigators this week! It was super awesome!
And now we already have set a goal with two of those five for baptism.
We had an opportunity to paint someone's house too. That was a bunch
of fun.
This week was just full of a bunch of uplifting and spiritually
edifying lessons. Sometimes you really get the purpose of it all and
how much people can gain from the knowledge of Gospel of Jesus Christ.
It is so rewarding when you can feel the spirit  testifying to them.
Today we had a meeting with the branch seminary leader and talked
about how to teach Seminary. We will be teaching the seminary class
down here in the Fort Apache branch. I learned a lot in that little
meeting. It's kinda nuts! So much is happening and I am excited for
this week.
I went on exchanges with Elder Kapisi and that is always entertaining.
He always picks up any change on the ground. So, I joined this time.
It makes for an entertaining competition. We pray for a lot of people
that day. Usually people know us as ministers around here and ask us
to pray for them to get over their addictions. We ran into these two
ladies and they called us over and they wanted us to pray for them.
And after the prayer this one lady tried to hug Elder Kapisi because
apparently they thought he was cute. Haha it get interesting out here.
I hope you all had a great week! Some day I will figure out how to do
these weekly emails more effectively.

I love you!
Elder Hamson

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