Monday, February 6, 2017

A lot happened

Wow! A lot happened this week!
Greetings my family! I ate some tasty fish tacos today from Rubios so, you have my permission to be jealous. ;)

At the beginning of the week we had a lesson with a friend of our ward mission leader. His name was Jacob and he is really into scouting. It was cool to hear about all the interesting  responsibilities he had in the scouting program. The lesson we had with him went okay and he said he wanted to study a little bit before we meet with him again. So, who knows how soon we will see him again. He didn't seem too interested, he said he likes to be open minded so that is good. But, it didn't seem like he was that engaged. There were a lot of things we could have done better but, over all he left knowing what he needed to do. It was a cool experience. 

We have been teaching this Indian guy, as in he is from India, and it has been really good. But, he just sent us a text out of nowhere saying that he didn't want to meet with us anymore. So, hopefully we will be able to get a hold of him and resolve his concerns. It was just a surprise, we gave him a Book of Mormon in Hindi and he seemed to really like that.

We also managed to have a lesson with Brother Bernardo. He has been in an out of the hospital because of heart problems. We ran a few errands for him and he is finally starting to recover again. He is only a convert of about two years ago. He is a fun guy! He is from New York, and he was born and raised there. He moved out here because this is where his daughters are living. So, he has a heavy ascent and he calls us his brothas from another mother. It's entertaining being around him, he likes to be silly. Hopefully soon he will be coming to church and I know a bunch of people that would be excited to see him.

Since it is the beginning of the month we had our Zone Training Meeting. It was cool, we focused on inspiration through prayer and then also, teaching repentance as a principle not a check box. It was a great meeting and we went and got tacos after because I was starving! That meeting seemed like forever ago, just so much has gone on. The day after ZTM we had interviews with our mission president and he answered some of little questions and he shared a scripture he was pondering on that blew my mind. I can't remember where it was but, he showed it to me and was like "I'm still trying to figure out what it means," haha. So, that was a funny experience, it is always comforting to meet with him. The rest of that day was busy though. We did planning all day and figured out what we were going to do better and we found some cool ideas. Then, after that we had some tasty pizza with a member and taught two lessons. Man, this stuff is exhausting.

Now, Sunday is the coolest part. It was a fast Sunday so, we were going without food and water. We had six hours of church and I don't know how my body took it but, we got pulled out of our class by a brother Wilson and he is like "There is a non-member here that you need to meet" so, we went and met the guy and it turned out to be a in-active member that just had not been at church in a while. He was a really cool guy and it was cool to here his story and see him there with his son who just got back from his mission. Anyway, next we run over to our ward council we were supposed to be attending and we walk in late and the council give us good news that a lady just moved in that is coming back to church that wants her children to hear the lessons. So, now we have more people to teach. That was a wonderful day. I am grateful that that happened. 

Wow, now my fingers hurt. 

Hope you all had a productive week as well!
Elder Hamson


A warm hello from Arizona!

How is the cold and the snow!? I am actually missing it. It is 70's here and you are probably thinking, that is perfect weather! It sure is but, doesn't beat the snow. Well anyway this was a very strange week. Nothing much happened the beginning of the week. We did a bunch of work and were talking to a lot of cool people but, nothing out of the ordinary. There was a world wide broadcast for missionaries on Wednesday. You probably already heard the news but, they basically opened up our daily schedule and we make more of the decisions on when to do what. Nothing much will change in our mission. It is mostly exciting for foreign missions where they can do studies at night when it is to dangerous to be outside. And other miscellaneous cultures that don't fit a regular "American business schedule." One of Elder Bednar's biggest points in explaining this change is that we are not a "one size fits all" church. I think this is just another step closer to what preach my gospel is trying to accomplish, it will help convert the missionaries so that they can help convert the people they serve.
Other than some exciting changes, they provided some good counsel and refocus on the purpose of all we do. It is nice to have a solid foundation on what the brethren "really" what us to be focused on! 
I had a cool experience this week as a district leader. As a district leader I hold a meeting each week with all the missionaries in my district (12 missionaries). So, as I was planning for what we were going to do and what we were going to talk about, I had an idea to invite a member to come and share their perspective on missionaries and member missionary work. It was awesome, the first guy I call was glad to do it, and when we got to district meeting he had a bunch of wonderful things he had prepared to share to help us understand what the members go through and how we can help them better. The spirit was so strong and you could tell that the things he shared were inspired by God and had individual application into my work and I know as well it was useful for all the other missionaries present. But, what a testimony of the reality of my calling, that this member that I asked to share was working under the Priesthood keys that I hold in directing the work. And how grateful I am that the keys for the work of salvation have been restored. That we have the opportunity to see the miracles of God and are given so much to help us grow stronger. And if you don't know what I am talking about read Alma 26:22 and think about the way he uses the word Given.

Because I have been given much, I to must give. I give you my love!

Elder Hamson

Pro Golfer, btw



There were a lot of cool things that happened this week. There were a lot of inspiring moments. We had a stressful Preparation day, as usual, much like this one but, we had a wonderful visit with a member. Actually just before that we were talking to people in their neighborhood and we talked to their neighbor whom they gave a Book of Mormon to. So, that was cool having that experience and then visiting with the members, the Webers. It was funny because Brother Weber took one looked at me, went into the kitchen and made a bunch of noise then, he came back with a protein shake and handed it to me. It was kind of funny, it has been a while since I have had a protein shake. 
Tuesday we had a Zone Conference again! It feels like we just had one. President Robinson is starting to have Zone Conference every transfer. It is nice, but I kinda like it when it is spaced out. It felt like they were better prepared for or maybe it's just that I didn't take it for granted as much because it was rare. Either way it was awesome, we focused on the foundation of faith and the power behind the message of The Restoration.
We have this new investigator named Tim! And I am excited for him, he is super open and I love helping him with his questions because he has so many good ones. Not much has been happening other than him, investigators wise. 
Thursday night we had the Elders from Cibecue. That is the other Apache reservation in our mission. Not the same one I used to be in. But, anyway they had to come down on Thursday because there have been some crazy snow storms and they needed to be down here in the scottsdale valley for the Saturday meeting with Elder Oaks. So, it was crazy having six Elders over in our tiny apartment. The coolest thing about that is that Elder Edwards was one of those missionaries and he is pretty. He did a bit of videography before he came on a mission so, we got to talk a lot about digital media. It is nice to talk to people so passionate about film. Awesome! 
So, of course like I said earlier Elder Dallin H. Oaks visited our mission. He talked about a number of miscellaneous things because the most important things he wanted to talk about will be covered in the mission broadcast on the 25th. So, he talked about we need to convert people to the gospel of Jesus Christ and not the church. Because it is His church and not our church. Also this is not our Mission it is the Lords mission. So just a couple key attitude changes that will help us to serve God and be instruments in His hands. He also talked a little about how important exercise is in helping our healthy mentally, physically and emotionally. He talked about many other things but, in the end if we want to come to the truth and come closer to our Heavenly Father we must study the scriptures and humble ourselves before God by partaking of the sacrament and being dedicated to those covenants.
This is an uplifting time for me and I hope it will be an uplifting time for you as well. Take the opportunity to read D&C 20:37, 77, 79

Love you all!
Elder Hamson

It is pretty cool to have the whole mission in one picture also, it is entertaining to note I am on the same level as the people in front of me and the people behind me are on chairs. Also, I don't blend in as well as I thought I did...



This week was a blur but, hopefully I can give you something of an update. We had some really good opportunities with teaching families this week. We taught this guy named Fred and his wife. They are from Switzerland and they came here to the states because the missionaries told them that the Christmas lights are beautiful at the temple. So, they came over and never went back. Which if you hear that story it sounds like they are very solid investigators. Well they let us come over but, they don't want to change. Which is a bummer but, we are still teaching them so who knows. We also met this lady named Jennifer and she is way cool. She works two jobs so it is hard to catch her but, she has been reading the book of Mormon and she has shared with us these experiences she is having with God. So, that is way cool but, it is hard to meet with her. Other than them we have been talking to a lot of cool people. We managed to catch a lot of the members of the ward home and were able to work with them.
I am the district leader in this area so, every week when we have a District meeting I usually get the opportunity to give a training to my fellow missionaries. So, that went really nicely. I don't how to explain it but, the spirit was strong and the gifts of the spirit are real! The Holy Ghost can definitely empower you to fulfill your calling. And it has been wonderful to have the opportunity to serve these missionaries.
Now, I will explain the title of this email. So, you know that guy, Dallin H. Oaks? Yeah, he is coming to our mission this Saturday and meet with all of us. So, that is pretty cool, that will be a great opportunity. While he is down here he is also hosting a religious freedom conference for the Phoenix area. Lots of cool stuff! I am excited! Hope you are all doing well! Love you all!

Elder Hamson
Sorry, it's blurry

Pictures speaker louder than words

Hi Fam!

I know I have been on a perfect streak but, today was crazy and I have no time so, I'll just send pictures. 
Transfers are tomorrow and nothing is changing I will be here for another six weeks. Me and Elder Stone best buds forever! Haha, I guess. It should be good, It is classic for me to stay in an area for two transfers so, it is just following the pattern so far. 
I am so grateful for the awesome members in these wards. They are so awesome and nice to us! If you ever see missionaries, be nice to them for me! It sure means a lot! 
Love you all! I'm doing great just in case you were wondering.
Serve, laugh, love!

Elder Hamson

1-My famous friend Payton Henry
2-Arizona sunrises are so bomb ðŸ’£
3-The Bates Family

With Change Comes Hope


Happy New Year I guess. 2016 is already history, the fifth graders are
probably learning about it in school. 2017 is a weird number, it
always seems awkward at first. But, anyway this week disappeared. It
seems like just a couple days ago was Christmas.
It was a good busy week though, we had a lot of good opportunities to
meet new people. For some reason this week stood out to me more than
ever that I am in fact in a highly populated city called Scottsdale.
It has been a big change from The Apache Reservation to this place. It
just felt like an exchange at first where I would only be here for a
couple weeks and then back to the reservation but, it doesn't work
that way. It's good though, you get to learn a lot more with change.
And with change you have to bring hope with you or it is just
miserable so, I have been studying a lot about Hope recently and
thinking about what is the source of hope and how to have it to bring
peace and happiness in our efforts to do better and be better. I
actually found some cool videos on if you go there and search
"hope works" there is a small video series. I have watch a couple,
they are really good and can apply to you personally. It is definitely
worth checking out, quite motivating. Also if you want to: Corinthians
4:15-18; Romans 8:18; D&C 121:7; D&C 123:17
Wednesday we had a district meeting and it was short be I got to share
some of my thoughts and feelings with my district and I helps me to
know of the reality of my calling. It feels me with so much intense
Joy and Importance as I try to lift and inspire other fellow
missionaries. I am filled with the spirit and am assured of the
promise that "It shall be given you in the very hour, yea, in the very
moment, what ye shall say" How grateful I am for the Hope and Faith
that gives me.
The day of New Years Eve was weird, we were not allowed to proselyte
after 6pm and we had to be back at our apartment by 8:30pm so, we just
played basketball with a bunch of missionaries for that time and it
was good. It was kinda like an extra P-day to play some sports.
Everything else happened so fast that I can't remember but, enjoy this
tasty picture. (Sorry, it's crappy quality)
Elder Hamson

Christmas 🎄


Hope you had a good Christmas and maybe a snowy one too! It sure isn't snowing here. We are rocking the 60's and it doesn't get much colder at night. 
This week was interesting, filled with a lot of cool things. The beginning of the week was slow but, Friday morning we had a breakfast at a members home and it was super good! He gave us all Chick fil a gift cards, we sang a bunch of Christmas songs, and we got to share stories. That night we had dinner at another members home and that was tasty, they gave us Scottsdale T-Shirts. We are really spoiled out here, so many members invited us over and were giving us gifts. These people are so nice and loving, it's great! You can always enjoy a Christmas filled with service, singing, and charitable friends. And that is how my week went! Lots of caroling, lots of serving and a lot of gift getting... You can't control how many gifts come your way. I hope you had a great week as well! So much happiness, joy, and family in this season! Love you all! 

Elder Hamson

Put An Order In For A Better Back

Merry Christmas!

That's like six days from now but, it seems closer than that. But, all I want for Christmas is a new back. I already put an order in for a better back with Santa, so.... ;) 
I'm only joking but, I'll tell you why I say this. So, once upon a time, Elder Hamson was pumped to go to the GYM. He decided that it would be awesome to get into a habit of running. That Tuesday morning he paced himself on a treadmill, 20 mins later he reached his max and finished with two miles under his belt. Proud was he as he marched his way home. "Two miles is pretty good," he thought as he got ready for the day. Not knowing by Wednesday is when those two miles would be felt. He was sore in his back, in his gluteus, and in his calf. That never stopped him from teaching repentance and helping the poor. Thursday was unusual with a session in the temple and a zone training meeting. Elder Hamson had no idea what was in store. By that evening his back wasn't working as it should but, some how he made it to dinner with the Garrett's. With his new found friend Ibuprofen he laid in bed frustrated and concerned. After a few days he will get better but, beware of the two mile jog it may turn you into a carrot.
There you go, that's my back story. Haha *ba-dum cha*
Monday was pretty cool day. We cleaned up our apartment and tried to go caroling but, then decided to go by a different apartment complex and invite everyone to the Christmas lights. That was pretty cool and we met some great people. Then, like I said Thursday was an eventful day. We had a great session at the Mesa Temple! It is always exciting to go to a temple you have never been to before. :) Zone training meeting was good too but, I sat on this hard metal chair the whole time and from there my back got progressively worse. But, I don't want all of you to worry I am doing better and I have learned my lesson. I don't think I will be running a marathon anytime soon. Happy Christmas, I love you!

Elder Hamson