Monday, February 6, 2017

Christmas 🎄


Hope you had a good Christmas and maybe a snowy one too! It sure isn't snowing here. We are rocking the 60's and it doesn't get much colder at night. 
This week was interesting, filled with a lot of cool things. The beginning of the week was slow but, Friday morning we had a breakfast at a members home and it was super good! He gave us all Chick fil a gift cards, we sang a bunch of Christmas songs, and we got to share stories. That night we had dinner at another members home and that was tasty, they gave us Scottsdale T-Shirts. We are really spoiled out here, so many members invited us over and were giving us gifts. These people are so nice and loving, it's great! You can always enjoy a Christmas filled with service, singing, and charitable friends. And that is how my week went! Lots of caroling, lots of serving and a lot of gift getting... You can't control how many gifts come your way. I hope you had a great week as well! So much happiness, joy, and family in this season! Love you all! 

Elder Hamson

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