Monday, February 6, 2017



There were a lot of cool things that happened this week. There were a lot of inspiring moments. We had a stressful Preparation day, as usual, much like this one but, we had a wonderful visit with a member. Actually just before that we were talking to people in their neighborhood and we talked to their neighbor whom they gave a Book of Mormon to. So, that was cool having that experience and then visiting with the members, the Webers. It was funny because Brother Weber took one looked at me, went into the kitchen and made a bunch of noise then, he came back with a protein shake and handed it to me. It was kind of funny, it has been a while since I have had a protein shake. 
Tuesday we had a Zone Conference again! It feels like we just had one. President Robinson is starting to have Zone Conference every transfer. It is nice, but I kinda like it when it is spaced out. It felt like they were better prepared for or maybe it's just that I didn't take it for granted as much because it was rare. Either way it was awesome, we focused on the foundation of faith and the power behind the message of The Restoration.
We have this new investigator named Tim! And I am excited for him, he is super open and I love helping him with his questions because he has so many good ones. Not much has been happening other than him, investigators wise. 
Thursday night we had the Elders from Cibecue. That is the other Apache reservation in our mission. Not the same one I used to be in. But, anyway they had to come down on Thursday because there have been some crazy snow storms and they needed to be down here in the scottsdale valley for the Saturday meeting with Elder Oaks. So, it was crazy having six Elders over in our tiny apartment. The coolest thing about that is that Elder Edwards was one of those missionaries and he is pretty. He did a bit of videography before he came on a mission so, we got to talk a lot about digital media. It is nice to talk to people so passionate about film. Awesome! 
So, of course like I said earlier Elder Dallin H. Oaks visited our mission. He talked about a number of miscellaneous things because the most important things he wanted to talk about will be covered in the mission broadcast on the 25th. So, he talked about we need to convert people to the gospel of Jesus Christ and not the church. Because it is His church and not our church. Also this is not our Mission it is the Lords mission. So just a couple key attitude changes that will help us to serve God and be instruments in His hands. He also talked a little about how important exercise is in helping our healthy mentally, physically and emotionally. He talked about many other things but, in the end if we want to come to the truth and come closer to our Heavenly Father we must study the scriptures and humble ourselves before God by partaking of the sacrament and being dedicated to those covenants.
This is an uplifting time for me and I hope it will be an uplifting time for you as well. Take the opportunity to read D&C 20:37, 77, 79

Love you all!
Elder Hamson

It is pretty cool to have the whole mission in one picture also, it is entertaining to note I am on the same level as the people in front of me and the people behind me are on chairs. Also, I don't blend in as well as I thought I did...

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