This week was pretty legit, let me tell ya!
Well first, Hello! It is a pleasure to be talking with you all! It always feels like this week was long when I look back at Tuesday but, it also feels like last P-day wasn't that long ago. I am grateful for the great diversely and fun that this week was filled with.
Last P-day was crazy I think I already said we were down in Young making things with a member in his wood shop. It was loads of fun. I am still in the process of making drum sticks but, I finished this sweet red stand for my iPad. It has turned into a great desk ornament.
Tuesday we spent with President Robinson in another zone conference. That was really cool because I received an answer to something I have been praying for and searching for for three months now. I am grateful for that our mission president truly does love serving us and he is a beloved man and friend for us all. The blessings of God are far greater than anything I could obtain on this earth. I am still trying to accept that, I rode in a Tesla Model S the other week. ooof... That is a fast ride, very tempting but, also costs as much as two houses!! Goodness!
Wednesday was an interesting day. We spend most of the day helping this lady with her garden. I love the amounts of service we have an opportunity to be a part of here in Payson. I can't think of anytime we had such an opportunity in the valley. but, anyway that was a great day, we came home got dress ate dinner and had two wonderful lessons with the two families we are working with that have desire to be baptized. We are getting real close and they have grown so much! I love it!
Friday is also another day to note. I don't mean to skip Thursday but, listen Friday was pretty cool. Right after we spent most of the morning doing our planning for the week, we got a call for this old man that lives on "wildlife preserve," well sort of. It is a huge garden that he has been growing for FORTY YEARS! He said that it used to be certified as a wildlife preserve for some kind of organization trying to protect some endangered plants or to see if certain plants could survive the environment. Anyway all we did was haul some logs around from a tree he cut down, (he was kind of sad about it). He just could do the lifting him self so it was good we were able to help him. Oh, then his wife came out and juiced us some fresh peach juice. Man, I lived in Utah my whole life and have had some great peaches but, she definitely put something in that juice because it was inhuman. Either that or I was dead thirst because Arizona is just hot. That's it's middle name Arizona Hot I'm Going To Move Back To Utah. Now you know.
We spent the weekend back in Young. And like I said earlier it is straight out of the movies. Middle of know where, there is like one store, a saloon, and miles and miles of dirt and weeds. Fun town! we spent all of Saturday running around like cowboys serving the community. We are hoping to be down there more so that we can build a presence that hopefully someone will get curious and we can at least answer there questions. Sunday, we gave talks about the forty day fast. So, each member is taking turns fasting each day for fourty days. It is a really cool idea. It was cool. And I felt the spirit so strongly. Some many members complemented us for our talks. I don't mean to be prideful but, it was nice to hear. There podium was tiny so they gave me a hand microphone and it was weird. It felt like I was doing stand up comedy of giving a Ted talk. Anyway my companion needs me to play soccer with him. sorry that there are no pictures.
Have a great week!
Love, love, love, you all!
Elder Hamson