Sunday, March 26, 2017

Mountain town!


It has been a fun week here in Payson! I have an awesome companion and
I am bunking with two other Elders so, there are four of us total. It
is a load of fun! It is a bit chilly, no snow but, it has been raining
a little.  The area I cover is over three units. The Ponderosa Ward,
Christopher Creek Branch, and Young Branch. Young is a small country
town that is an hour and a half from where we live. So the area is
HUGE! It's in the middle of nowhere but, it's in the mountains. That
is all that matters. I love traveling and I has been fun experiencing
so many different and new people. Change keeps the mission exciting!

The first couple days I was here we met and taught our investigators
that have a day planned to be baptized. We have met a bunch of members
and it is weird being back in the mountains again. This area is a lot
like Pinetop back when I was a Zone Leader. Right now, I'm not even a
District Leader! It's awesome! I get to spend 24/7 with the people.
Well... Almost...

I got an email from the Mission President on Thursday and he invited
Elder Vargas and I to a special MLC the next day. So, I took the hour
and forty minute drive back down to the valley for the MLC. (Mission
Leadership Council) It was super good! Two of the brothers from the
missionary department came and spent the day with us. It was a 7 HOUR
meeting! It was nuts! Super helpful though! We literally spent the
whole time and went in depth on Planning! I am bad at planning so, it
was good to get some good pointers from them. I didn't feel to good
that day so, half way through the meeting I took some exhederin. I
have you know I did survive seven hours and the drive home, I was the
designated driver.

So, some back story, on Thursday my companion and I were chopping wood
for service in the morning. While we were driving home my companion
thought it would be cool to drift on the dirt road. Basically we
crashed into a ditch. I had a headache for three days straight and my
neck and back ached. I fell much better now but, that is why I hurt at
that meeting.

Today has been weird, we spent a good amount of our time trying to sew
some ties. It was fun but, exhausting. So, up here people go to bed
really early and when it gets late in the evening they get really
protective of their property. On Monday's we do what is called a
reverse P-day. Basically our P-day is in the evening instead of the
morning. It has been fun.

Anyway, I hope your week was adventurous. Love ya'll!

Elder Hamson

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