Sunday, March 26, 2017


Good day!

Well this was my last week in Scottsdale for now. I am headed to Payson tomorrow. I am kinda bummed but, that's okay, I hear there is snow in Payson and that is what I am most excited about! Actually I will be working in the YSA! So, it will be fun to serve people more my age! This also means that I am still in the same Zone as I have been. I will be able to see al my old friends from the zone twice a month. Because we have a Zone Training Meeting every month and also a Zone Conference every month. 

Anyhoo! Nothing crazy happened this week. We had a cool day on Valentines day. There is this guy that moved in with his parents and is just down here for work. He is looking for a house out here while his family is back in Utah. So we thought since his sweetheart is back in Utah he would mind coming out with us. So, we took him with us and we visited everyone single we knew and we had quite a few good visits and opportunities to lift everyone's spirits on such a weird holiday. He is a really cool guy! There are so many cool people that live out here. I have live amongst three different cultures of faithful members. They are all different and beautiful in their own way. 

I had an opportunity to go on an exchange with Elder Ebisch. He is a German Elder and he is really fun to be with. It was fun to spend a day meeting new people with new experiences but, all with excitement about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We taught six lessons that day. It was nuts, we just went from appointment to appointment. I love days like that where you can spend the whole day with loving people that want to discuss and learn about God. 

I am going to miss Scottsdale but, I am not going to miss the heat! ;)
I hope you all are happy! Thanks for reading! Love y'all!

Elder Hamson

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