Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Dessert Calendar


It's the beginning of a new month and a new transfer. Still stuck with
my same companion. Haha, just kidding! I love Elder Robinson, we get
along super well! I'm going to miss him. He has been in he mountains
his whole mission and it is likely he will head to the hot valley next
transfer. Haha I don't know why I am laughing, I could be transferred
there too. But, anyway this past month was awesome! The funniest thing
that happened is that my apartment houses four missionaries and the
other Elders are sick of being chubby. So, they are trying to go super
healthy and eat strictly fruits, veggies and meat. Haha and they made
this no-dessert calendar and they handed me one. So, I would come home
all proud that I had so much dessert and get to put a nice black "X"
for eating dessert. They all hated me for it but, I thought it was
pretty funny. I give you a picture. But, on a more serious note. This
week was flip flopped. Usually we have some pretty successful lessons
with new investigators and the less active members want nothing to do
with us. This week we had maybe four lessons with investigators. The
rest were less actives, it was awesome! I love teaching less actives.
I don't know why, they are just more relatable I guess. They
understand what the spirit feels like and have had experience with it.
So, it's so fun watch them feel that again. Anyway people have been
super nice to us this week, I love it. Oh, also this week we have been
teaching Irvin and he came to church! He hasn't ever been and that was
way cool to walk someone through church for the first time. He isn't
one to show too much emotion so, I couldn't tell how interested he was
but, he said he enjoyed it. Yay! Well, I'll leave you with the quote
I've been leaning on lately.

"The real tragedy is the tragedy of the man who never in his life
braces himself for his one supreme effort, who never stretches to his
full capacity, never stands up to his full stature. The successful man
thinks he can."

With boonies of love,

Elder Hamson

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