Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Happy Mothers Day, Yesterday!

I got to see and talk with my family. They are doing well I guess.
Haha just kidding, they are doing great! I love them and it was super
nice to see them. I hope my mom and all you other mothers have had a
great and loving Mother's Day.

This week was an interesting week. We have been trying hard to get
some members to come to our lessons but, most of our investigators
didn't answer and missed the lessons we planned. We did however have
some good lessons with a couple potential investigators. Sister
Alvarez did not want to talk to us the first time we met. She has
softened her heart since and agreed to read a bit of the Book of
Mormon. We also met a potential investigator that is one of our less
active's son in law. He said he would read and he was kind of
interested in family history work. Other than that, not too much
happened this week. We did a lot of service. Shoveling poop, painting
walls, and moving furniture. It was great and I'm having fun.

Hope you guys are having fun!
Love you!
Elder Hamson

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