Monday, October 10, 2016

Conference and Council Week

Hello! Hello!

Okay, let's see here... I had a bunch of meetings and conferences this week we barley did any teaching. To start off the week we had a Zone Conference with the Zone and President Robinson on Tuesday. It was a super good Zone Conference! It was focused on teaching the doctrine of repentance and I gave a training on using the pamphlet in teaching repentance. It went well, it always feels good to train fellow missionaries by the spirit. Probably the biggest thing that happened during that conference that I am excited about is that we are doing a mission wide Book of Mormon read focused on the doctrine of Christ. Which is the whole point of The Book of Mormon! So, that is exciting! I am already ten chapters in. :) 
Wednesday was one of our few proselyting days. No one was really home but, we managed to teach a couple people before our stake missionary meeting that night. It is actually a Ward Mission Leader Council meeting so, missionaries and ward mission leaders. It was good though, it went smoothly and we figured out somethings for our branch. Then, we had to pick up one of the assistants to the president missionaries for an exchange. So, he was with us on Thursday to see how we are doing. On Thursday, you guessed it, another meeting! We had a unity meeting this time for the missionaries that serve in our branch so we could work together. Thursday was fun, Elder Flake, the assistant, offered to let us drive his car to help us save on miles. Because, we only get a certain amount of miles we can drive each month. Anyway, since he doesn't know our area, I got to drive his fancy car and it was super fun! I felt bad though because, that there was a crazy monsoon and I got it all muddy. Oops! But, than we had to plan for our week half that day because we just didn't have time to plan any day else, too many meetings! 
So all day Friday we had a Mission Leadership Council with the mission President. It was good but, it is annoying because we just had one two weeks ago and another one this week. They want us to make sure to carry down the news and trainings to all of our zones so, stressful. But, that's okay they are super good trainings! I am just so high on spiritual knowledge from this week. 
Saturday and Sunday as many of you know was General Conference. President Uchtdorf had a perfect opening talk about the beautiful plan for our happiness. Then, President Nelson with his talk about the Joy of Christ! Ah! So good! Must reads! For sure!

Alright now go do something exciting!
Love y'alls!
Elder Hamson

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