Monday, October 24, 2016

I Love to See The Temple!


Welp, the day of transfers has come and I am going nowhere so that is fun! I get to stay with my friends amongst the native people. I am getting a new companion Elder Burt and it should be a pretty good transfer. 

At the beginning of this week we had ZTM and it was a really great experience. We had some really good trainings about the atonement of Jesus Christ and about love, the pure love of Christ. All you need is a love for God and for everyone else. I think the biggest thing it did for our zone is that we are more unified as a zone. That was a great day.

Then, to add on that we had a temple trip on Wednesday. It was nice it was just our zone and President Robinson. Which is different because last time we went with three zones combined it was super crowded. It is always super good to go to the temple and it added to the spirit felt from the ZTM the day before.

We had a baptism on Saturday, the other Elders did but, it was my old area so, it was one of the investigators I taught. That was a super great service. We had like twenty to thirty people come out for it and it was a really cool baptism. That is kinda ridiculous for the reservation. That was just really cool for me because I taught her. Then, she walked up to me and asked me to do the confirmation at church the next day. So, that was super cool! So much good stuff! 

Right now I just said goodbye to my old companion and I ate some pie to get over it. Haha, i actually did eat some pie. You don't get that on the reservation. Well my update is finished but, let me know if you have questions for me because I love you too! 

I love you so I will give you pictures of my face.
Elder Hamson

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