Monday, October 10, 2016



This week started off nice and chilly and their was some good hope for
fall. Unfortunately it has gotten hot again but, hopefully that won't
stay long. Come to think of it I don't know if I packed any warm
clothes. I am serving in the mountains where their will be snow so, I
am excited! (assuming they don't transfer me) We found seven new
investigators this week and each one has so much potential. I just
hope they recognize the spirit that was felt and act on the message.
All we ask people to do is to pray and ask God to answer the questions
they have. Then we teach them how to pray, and how to study the
scriptures. One of those investigators' names is chatty. We taught
Chatty about Prophets and how God's priesthood authority works. She
had a couple questions but, for the most part understood what we were
claiming. I shared my testimony about what blessings come and how
these restored truths with unite her family forever. It made me think
about my family and how much I love them. It made me think about my
life and how happy and secure my home is. It reassured me how much
these people need this gospel. Anyone really that feels alone or is
lost or can't seem to find peace in their life deserve a chance for
eternal peace and eternal happiness. We are out here to offer that
chance to those who will be humble enough to receive it.

We had an MLC this week, which means Mission Leadership Council. We
found out we are having another MLC next week, plus Zone Conference.
To make it even crazier the week after that we have another MLC
because a general authority is coming to our mission. October a temple
trip and December a Zone Conference and temple trip. So much meetings.
(<--- I know, excuse my grammer it is just something my old companion
used to do)

We had a branch activity this week that we had planned for for like a
month. It was a Hawaiian Luau. It went super well. We had a bunch of
people show up and it ran smoothly. It is kind of stress full with the
chaos of childs everywhere. It was cool I played drums on a plastic
bucket while Elder Kuewa did his cultural dance thing. I also won at
this balloon race game thing. (<--- oops I lied just then)

So, I have been doing good. Thanks for asking! ;) All is well, just
getting excited for General conference next week! How about you!?

We'll talk later my lovely people!
Elder Hamson

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